Vertebrae ID
I found these vertebrae in an assemblage from Ireland. The lumbar vertebrae do not have transverse processes. Any idea what they could be?

Femur ID
Below are two photos of a small mammal femur. Could anyone help with an ID please?


Mandible ID
Here are two photos of a small mandible found on a rural site in Ireland. Could anyone help me with an ID please? Sorry about the picture quality...

cross-section of worked bone
Here is a drawing in cross-section of the bone in the photo below. It has been hollowed out, has anyone seen anything similar or have a theory why? The bone can't be identified, but is a fragment of a long bone from a large ungulate. The scale is 5 cm.

Worked bone?
This is a photo of a bone found in the primary fill of a tailrace, associated with an early medieval horizontal mill, excavated in Ireland.
It looks like the bone has been hollowed out for some reason, but I can't see the reason. Does anyone know?

It looks like the bone has been hollowed out for some reason, but I can't see the reason. Does anyone know?

Pathology on dog radius and ulna
Another pathology, on a left radius and ulna this time, possibly from the same dog.




Pathology on dog tibia and fibula
Here are some photos of a pathology on a left dog tibia and fibula. The extra bone growth is situated on the distal diaphysis, growing over a possible fracture? The distal articular facets are intact and "healthy". Any suggestions as to what this might be?